Section: New Results


Based on the good results of the localized transformations coupled with MDFactory in Gaspard in term of reusability, modifiability and understandability, Alexis Muller (Expert Engineer) decided to study the opportunity to create a start-up company from these works. Due to his past experiment in the domain of information system and the maturity of the model usage by the enterprises, the idea was to target the automatic generation of information system from UML model and no more to address embedded systems. Joined by Thomas Legrand (Software Engineer), they developed new localized transformations and new chains. The results and the first feed-backs from enterprises in the domain of information systems are very encouraging. Furthermore, the Axellience project has win the national competitive examination of helping to the creation of innovating enterprises (Oseo). A technological transfer concerning MDFactory is foreseen between the DaRT team and the Axellience project in order to create the start-up company in the early beginning of the 2012 year. Straight collaborations between the company and the DaRT team should continue via the works around localized transformations.